Financial Aid » Scholarships


Damien High School offers scholarships to incoming and current students. 这些私人资助的奖学金中有许多是为了纪念达米安社区重要成员的遗产. Application processes vary for each named scholarship. A committee coordinates the scholarship selection process. In some cases, 捐献人直接参与或成立了一个委员会来协助选择过程. Some scholarships are faculty nomination only.
大多数新生奖学金是基于家庭的经济需要. Thus, to qualify, a family will need to complete the on-line FACTS Grant & Aid Application. FACTS will assess your financial need based on the numbers you enter. If FACTS determines the family does not have a financial need, but that family feels like they need assistance, they can appeal the decision. In the appeal process, 学费援助委员会将审查申请,并根据该家庭的个人情况做出最终决定.
After a family is designated for tuition assistance (Spartan Grant), 奖学金委员会将审查获得学费援助的家庭,以确定是否应该补充斯巴达助学金, replaced or enhanced by a specific scholarship.
下面的奖学金描述简要概述了该奖学金的捐助者所要求的条款和条件. 这些简短的描述可能不包括完整的选择标准,并可能发生变化. 我们建议学生在申请由达米安高中及其慷慨的捐助者提供的奖学金时要仔细考虑.
ANTHONY M. SCHIRO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (junior only; faculty/staff nominated)
该奖学金每年颁发给最能体现安东尼·M·安东尼的特点的大三学生. Schiro such a respected, esteemed, and greatly loved man. 今年的获奖者表现出了对家庭的高度忠诚, school, church, and almighty God. 这个年轻人是一个利用一切机会在智力和运动领域发展上帝赋予他的能力的人, 他表现出他可能会利用自己的才能为他人服务.
BALLINGALL FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP (faculty/staff nominated)
Ballingall Family Scholarship 
BILL HANNON FOUNDATION (incoming freshmen and current students)
Student must have a financial need. Emphasis placed on students receiving CEF, attended Pomona Catholic Middle School or living in Pomona. No application required.
该奖学金每年颁发给那些在学术上表现出天赋和/或熟练程度,但经济需求无法满足自己的学生. 这项奖学金提供给最能体现真正斯巴达人的学术和道德特征的大三和大四学生. Ideally, the candidate demonstrates loyalty to his family and school, while having a high awareness of the outside community. 他非常积极主动,注重细节,但在需要的时候并不害怕寻求帮助或协助. 这个年轻人是一个利用每一个机会,每天都在成为一个更好、更强的人类公民的人. 这个年轻人对他周围的人来说真的是一个鼓舞,他将为那些渴望获得BraveMove的人树立更高的标准.org scholarship in the future.
BRIAN CHRISTOPHER SMITH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (incoming freshmen and current students; faculty/staff nominated)
Brian Christopher Smith graduated from Damien High School in 1992. 在这里,他是一个活跃的社区成员,一个运动员,一个学者. 他是一个忠诚的朋友,总是愿意伸出援助之手或鼓励的话. 他对生活的热爱鼓励他的同学充实地过好每一天. 这个奖项是颁发给最能体现布莱恩对生活的热情的精神的人, and an individual who exemplifies a close relationship with God.
CAMERON MITCHELL '15 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (junior only; faculty/staff nominated)
这个年度奖学金是给即将升学的大三学生的,以纪念卡梅伦·塞万·米切尔. For those who may not know, Cameron, a student at Damien, suffered a brain tumor that, after a long fight, unfortunately took him on June 1, 2013 - just seven days before his 16th birthday. He was known as “The Funologist” by his peers, for living and creating awesome life experiences, anything adventurous and all things fun! Cameron was an academic who enjoyed learning, a musician who played various instruments and loved music; he was a foodie who savored and cooked; he was a traveler across the states and all the way to China. 这个奖学金是给一个斯巴达人,他最能体现卡梅伦在他年轻的生活中表现出来的品质:对学习的热爱, faced adversity in life, hones the respect of his peers and faculty, personifies “service above self”, and exemplifies a true Spartan man of service, scholarship and faith.
CHUCK BALLINGALL FUTURE DEBATER SCHOLARSHIP (incoming freshman only; application required)
由斯科特·希林斯基(1986年)为纪念他最喜欢的老师之一而创立, Chuck Ballingall, is given to an incoming freshman students with an interest in debate. 在新生学期开始时,符合条件的申请者会收到通知. 该奖学金的要求是:(1)高中分班考试成绩至少达到90分;(2)八年级成绩优异;(3)参加荣誉辩论, and will stay in 9th grade year (4) Recommendation from a. 8th grade debate coach if applicable, or b. English or Social Science teacher, with emphasis on ability to read and interpret text, 有效参与课堂讨论/辩论和(5)学生的个人论文.
ERNANI ROBERTO & ANN SILVA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (junior only; faculty/staff nominated)
Award goes to an entering junior who needs financial assistance. The student should be well rounded, high achieving, a leader, effective communication skills, takes AP classes, community service at Damien and in the community, a goal to attend a top college/university.
GEORGE H. MAYR FOUNDATION (incoming freshmen and current students)
Student must be a resident of the State of California; be deserving and in need of financial aid; have completed the equivalent of eighth grade. No application required.
GEORGE RYAN BOYLE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
该奖学金每年颁发给最能体现乔治·瑞安·博伊尔对生活和达米安高中热爱的学生. This senior has demonstrated outstanding athletic ability, 表现出很强的领导才能,并帮助建立了竞争的团队精神, while caring for his fellow teammates and promoting team sacrifice. 此外,他一直是达米安高中社区的模范成员.
J.P. AUGUSTYN MEMORIAL AWARD (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
该奖项颁发给两名在学术上表现突出的应届毕业生, as well as athletic performance, 在他们四年的高中生活中,他们在数学和科学方面特别有天赋.
JAMES DINEEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (junior, senior eligible; faculty/staff nominated)
James Dineen Memorial Scholarship 
KIWANIS OF GLENDORA SCHOLARSHIP (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
Must be a resident of Glendora or the Damien Kiwanis Club. 期望:经济需求,学术成就,对学校/社区的服务. Heavy emphasis on service to school/community.
This scholarship was created in honor of Michael Don Schneberger, and awards outstanding students who exemplify the lifestyle of Michael. 获得这项年度奖学金的候选人是一名即将在达米安高中完成三年级的学生. In his three years at Damien, he has excelled in academics, in his extra-curricular involvement and is well-liked by faculty and peers.
THE MICHAEL TARU ELLIS SR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP  (incoming Freshman and Current Students)
该奖学金将为在寄养系统中度过一段时间的学生或父母在寄养系统中度过一段时间的学生提供学费援助或学术必需品. For the purposes of this scholarship, 寄养将被定义为国家为18岁以下儿童提供的临时服务, who cannot live with their immediate biological families. The children in foster care may live with relatives, unrelated foster parents, group homes, residential care facilities, emergency shelters, or supervised independent living. 所有奖项都是基于需求的,将由达米安高中的学费援助委员会根据本协议的积极捐助者的意见决定.
NANCY A. 林奇授予纪念奖学金(新生和在校生)
Named in loving memory of Nancy Lynch, mother of James Lynch '85, Brian Lynch '84 and Michael Lynch '81, 捐赠奖学金将为那些可能没有机会进入达米安高中的优秀学生提供经济援助. Recipients of the scholarship will embody the values exhibited by Mrs. Lynch throughout her life – courage, courtesy, education, and helping others in need whenever possible. 奖学金委员会每年将从达米安学费援助计划的申请人中选择获奖者. No application required.
给予学生(s)谁选择参加课外活动,在达米安高中的运动经验. 这可能是指运动员、啦啦队长、乐队成员、Pit(学生区)负责人等. 他们必须是目前在达米安高中,波莫纳天主教或圣. Lucy’s, be strong in their faith, and loyal to the tri-school system.
RICHARD MILLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (incoming freshmen and current students; faculty/staff nominated)
理查德·米勒纪念奖学金是为了纪念达米安大学前教员里奇·米勒而设立的, who served Damien for many years as a world history teacher, as well as the head coach of the cross country and track teams. 该奖项颁发给田径队或越野队的成员,他们在田径和课堂上都充分发挥了自己的能力.
ROBERT L. & JACK CLAUER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (junior, senior eligible; faculty/staff nominated)
This scholarship is awarded in loving memory of Robert L. Clauer and Jack T. Clauer, husband and grandson of former registrar, Mrs. Jo Clauer. 这个奖项颁发给表现出强烈职业道德的达米安·斯巴达人, has made outstanding contributions in the areas of academics, extra-curricular activities, Christian leadership or athletics, 同时表现出对他人的友谊和对达米安高中的忠诚.
THE ROBERT SOUZA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (incoming freshmen and current students; faculty/staff nominated)
The Robert A. Souza Memorial Scholarship is in loving memory of Bob Souza, 他曾是一名职业运动员和狂热的体育迷,是八名天主教和教区学校运动员的父亲和祖父. 鲍勃欣赏良好的体育精神和天主教学校教育提供的核心价值观的价值. 该奖学金的资金将用于支持有经济需要的学生,以帮助支付就读达米安高中的相关费用, which may include tuition, athletic fees and/or student activity fees. 奖学金委员会每年将从达米安学费援助计划的申请人中选择获奖者.
RON FEDERICO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (juniors only; faculty/staff nominated)
罗恩·费德里科纪念奖学金是为了纪念达米安的长期教练罗恩·费德里科. Each sport’s current head coach selects the nominees. The finalist, rising juniors, 是根据谁最能体现罗恩在他所有球员身上强化的那些品质来评估的. The student-athlete should be an example of hard work, an inspiration to his teammates, and highly committed to his school and team.
SCHOOLS FIRST "WORTHY STUDENT" AWARD (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
Schools First "Worthy Student" Award (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
SACRED HEARTS SS.CC. SCHOLARSHIP (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
Sacred Hearts SS.CC. Scholarship
THE SPARTAN MERIT AWARD (sophomore, junior, senior eligible; faculty/staff nominated)
On behalf of and funded by the Damien families of Brutocao, Cerni, Filpi, Hadley, Lindley and Pirrone, 该奖项旨在帮助优秀的达米安学生,他们展示了在课堂上教授的天主教价值观,并日复一日地加强实践, supporting, and encouraging environment. 这个奖项的获得者是一个著名的年轻人,他的生活通过展示强烈的职业道德,体现了一个真正的达米安·斯巴达人的品质, good character, concern for others, and has achieved an outstanding level of achievement in academics. 他以自己的方式做出了丰富达米安社区的重大贡献.
SPARTAN SPIRIT AWARD (faculty/staff nominated)
Spartan Spirit Award 
ST. DAMIEN SCHOLARSHIP (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
这项奖学金颁发给对天主教传统的基督教慈善事业表现出深刻承诺的高年级学生, has made a significant contribution in service to Damien High School, the local community, and/or other communities in need, and has demonstrated the values of Saint Damien through service.
TOM CARROLL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (sophomore, junior eligible; faculty/staff nominated)
Through his inspirational leadership and by his examples, 汤姆·卡罗尔教练通过他的体育精神遗产深刻地影响了无数年轻人的生活. 汤姆·卡罗尔奖学金确保与卡罗尔教练一起乘坐各种高尔夫球车时学到的人生经验和故事在达米安高中继续存在. 汤姆·卡罗尔奖学金反映了卡罗尔教练对教育价值的高度重视,以及像达米安这样的学校为年轻人提供的机会. 奖学金颁发给表现出优秀校风的二年级或三年级学生, and a demonstrated desire to help others.
WALLACE & LUCILLE PEARSALL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (senior only; faculty/staff nominated)
这个奖学金是代表皮尔索尔家族颁发的,以纪念华莱士和露西尔·皮尔索尔, parents of former Damien principal, Mr. Sam Pearsall. 该奖项每年颁发给在高中四年中数学表现优异的高年级学生.
这项奖学金提供给最能体现我们真正的斯巴达人的学术和道德特征的学生, Mark Nicholas Gahagan. The recipient demonstrates strong ethics, has good character, shows empathy for others, and simultaneously is a leader. 他必须努力追求卓越,在学术上表现出熟练程度,他是达米安高中和周围社区的灵感来源.